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wasm Namespace


This is a wrapper around GenerateWasm which allows you to go straight from a string representation of a bnf, down to the binaryen.Module without needing to generate a legacy.Parser first.

function Compile2Wasm(inputBnf: string): Shared.ParseError | binaryen.Module


Takes in a legacy.Parser as input for a bnf syntax, and outputs the corresponding typescript definitions as a string for a compiled artifact which would be generated from the same input

function CompileTypes(lang: legacy.Parser): string


Takes in a legacy.Parser as input for a bnf syntax, and compiles it down to a binaryen.Module which can then be used to generate .wat and .wasm outputs.

function GenerateWasm(lang: legacy.Parser): binaryen.Module



This is just a type interface used by all runners, including ones encoded in an artifact. It is simply used to differentiate a wasm instance generated for BNF parsing, from a generic wasm instance.

type WasmParser = WebAssembly.Instance & {
    exports: {
        memory      : WebAssembly.Memory;
        input       : WebAssembly.Global;
        inputLength : WebAssembly.Global;
        heap        : WebAssembly.Global;

        _init:   () => number;
        program: () => number;
    // generated artifacts will have extra functions
    //   bound based on the BNF they are generated from


This takes any BufferSource as input (i.e. Uint8Array), and synchronously generates a wasm instance from it. This function will error in most browsers, as instantiating any WebAssembly module over 4KB in size must be non-blocking.

function Create(wasm: BufferSource): WasmParser;


Supply an already created WasmParser from Runner.Create, a string input for the data to be parsed, as well as two optional modifiers to attempt to generate a syntax tree using the given wasm instance.

function Parse(ctx: WasmParser, data: string, refMapping = true, entry = "program"): {
  reachBytes: number,
  isPartial: boolean,
  reach: Shared.Reference,
  root:  SyntaxNode,

Argument refMapping

If this is disabled, all SyntaxNodes will share a single ReferenceRange which reduces decode time as the proper references don't need to be calculated during decoding, and nor do new object instances need to be generated reducing allocations.

If this is enabled a proper reference range will be generated for every SyntaxNode.

You can detect if a SyntaxNode has been source mapped or not, because a non-source mapped node's .ref will have the start and end points being the exact same object (i.e. start === end), but also all values in the Reference will be zero, which is invalid as col and line numbers both start counting from 1.

Argument entry

This tells the parser which term in the bnf to start parsing from.


This function is intended for internal use only. It's used to generate the shared artifact

function toString(): string;