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Legacy API


These features are all deprecated and will not be updated
While they are still available within v4.0 under the legacy namespace
However they will be phased out by the next major release


This is a pre-initialised BNF parser, which can be given a BNF string input.

const BNF: Parser;


The Parser class is used to parse input based on the syntax tree generated by the BNF class.

class Parser {
  constructor(blob: any)

  // Attempts to parse a language into a syntax tree
    input   : string,             // The text to be parsed
    partial : boolean = false,    // Whether the entire string needs to be consucanmed
    entry   : string  = "program" // Where parsing should start from in the BNF definition
  ): SyntaxNode | ParseError
  setVerbose(mode: boolean) { }


The Compile function is given a SyntaxNode tree generated from the pre-initialized BNF parser - from which it can generate a new parser.

function Compile(tree: SyntaxNode): Parser


The SyntaxNode class represents a node in the generated syntax tree.

The type value of a SyntaxNode is typically the name of the term being matched - i.e. the root node will be program by default. However it can be a generated name in the case of brackets (...) and repetition markers such as + (...)+.

class SyntaxNode {
  type  : string;
  value : SyntaxValue;
  ref   : ReferenceRange;

  constructor(type: string, value: SyntaxValue, ref: ReferenceRange) {};

  // Merges all of it's child syntax node values into a single string
  flat(): string {};

type SyntaxValue = SyntaxNode[] | string;


The ParseError class represents an error that occurred during parsing of the input.

class ParseError {
  stack : string[]
  msg   : string
  ref   : ReferenceRange

  constructor(msg: string, ref: ReferenceRange) { }

  // Adds a string to the top of the call stack
  //   (for internal use)
  add_stack(elm: string) { }

  // If this error contains a pass stack
  //   (for internal use)
  hasStack(): boolean { }

  // Stringifies itself for printing/debug
  toString() { }


The Reference class is a cursor to describe a certain point in a string input.

class Reference {
  index : number;
  line  : number;
  col   : number;

  constructor(line: number, col: number, index: number) { }

  // Will shift the reference one position forwards
  advance(newline: boolean = false) { }

  // Returns a deep copy of itself
  clone(): Reference { }

  // Stringifies itself for printing/debug
  toString(): string { }

Reference Range

The ReferenceRange class uses two References to describe a range within the text input.

class ReferenceRange {
  start : Reference;
  end   : Reference;

  constructor(from: Reference, to: Reference) { }

  // Alters itself so the rang supplied now fits within the range of itself
  //  Basically takes the min from, and the max to references and applies them to itself
  span(other: ReferenceRange) { }

  // Returns a deep copy of itself
  clone(): ReferenceRange { }

  // Stringifies itself for printing/debug
  toString(): string { }